Posts on C++, data compression, algorithms, and more!
- Dec 9, 2011
Linux and Unix have had email baked into their DNA since the beginning of time, but getting it to work out of the box is not necessarily a simple task. I give a demo on one way to go about it.
- Nov 28, 2011
Microsoft's C++ implementation is most excellent, but they do have a few bugs. Using the hash containers in debug builds turns out to be almost unusable.
- Nov 8, 2011
This article tells you how the LZW data compression algorithm works, then describes the C++ sample code that I use to implement the algorithm. I'll walk you through the use of the algorithm with a few varieties of I/O. Finally, I'll show you some benchmarks. (This is an update to my 1989 article on the same topic.)
- Oct 25, 2011
DNS Service Discovery on Windows depends on the Apple Bonjour SDK. I provide a reference C++ application that shows you how to use it.
- Sep 30, 2011
My recent project, Cisco OnPlus, depends heavily on DNS Service Discovery. I'll show you some ways we use it with scripting tools on a Linux host.
- Sep 3, 2011
This article shows you how to implment hashing functions for the C++ unorderered_map and unordered_set containers. The details on how to do this are not well-documented and can prove daunting for beginners.
- Aug 15, 2011
The gcc C compiler works hard to enforce type safety in places where it is a bit difficult, which is helpful but sometimes can cause problems.
- Jul 31, 2011
More information on setting up an SMTP server so postfix can send mail from your Linux system. This article adds a few tips that might help you get through some rough spots in the whole process.
- Jul 21, 2011
Getting a new computer can be interesting. My recent purchase of a Dell XPS notebook came with a few problems that I didn't anticipate.
- Jun 26, 2011
This article describes some of the pitfalls that a lifelong C and C++ programmer encounters when switching to PHP.